Friday, July 17, 2015

It lives!

OK after two false starts I present Wear GBC, play games from your favorite mid nineties portable game console on your Android Wear device. Try out QBert (free and legal)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Google Play Rejections

Google Play now has a team of actual living humans checking through every app submission. Unfortunately this can lead to exchanges like the one I just concluded today. As with all email chains start reading at the bottom.

From: Alexander Gee <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 at 11:50
Subject: Re: [5-6184000007874] Your appeal for reinstatement
To: <>

This is a very frustrating process. I hope that it is reviewed and augmented soon. Communication via this mechanism is clearly very constrained by regulations against you providing advice. This saddens me.

I will resubmit the app under a different name without the button. Thanks for trying to help me as much as you can within your constraints.

On Fri, 17 Jul 2015 at 11:38 <> wrote:
Unfortunately, the violation on the application was still present after conditionally reinstating the application.  Previous email states, "Please remove any violations prior to resubmitting your application."  We will not be reinstating your applications because the conditions were not met.  
If you do choose to re-publish a new, policy-compliant version of your app, please make sure to review the Content Policy and visit the Policy Help Center for additional guidance to ensure your next app is compliant with the policy.You will need to upload a new apk as a new app with a different package name, that is an updated version of the app you are trying to publish to the Google Play Store.
If we can assist you further, please let us know.

The Google Play Team
On 07/16/15 15:11:43 wrote:
Ok I'll remove the button. I did previously comment on the mis-identification of those softwares as protected works (they are explicitly offered as free by the owners). Since my appeal was approved directly after this I assumed that meant after further review you were in agreement with my statement. A misinterpretation on my part. If it will make this process simpler I'm happy to remove the button. Sorry for the further complication this has caused.

On Fri, 17 Jul 2015 at 09:13 <> wrote:
Thanks for contacting the Google Play team.

After further review, your app will not be reinstated because it violates the intellectual property and impersonation or deceptive behavior provision of the Content Policy:

- Our policy states: 

  • Your app and/or elements of its listing on Google Play, including title, description, logo(s), or promotional screenshots must not include unauthorized usage of protected works belonging to a third party.
  • Your app icon and promotional screenshots must not contain images that appear confusingly similar to existing products.
  • Protected work could typically include product names, brands, images, logos, music, and similar works.
- As an example, your app contains: Currently, your application lets users download copyrighted content via the "Get Roms" button within your application.  The violation was not removed in the latest submission and the violation STILL exists.

If you publish a new version of your app, please make sure it’s in compliance with our policies. You may want to review these resources for additional guidance:

Content Policy:

Google Play Developer Help Center:
The Google Play Team
On 07/15/15 18:12:09 wrote:
Arya, I resubmitted it and it got kicked again. WHAT DO I DO?
On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 at 11:02 <> wrote:
Thanks for contacting the Google Play Team.

We’ve conditionally accepted your appeal and your app has been reinstated. Please remove any violations prior to resubmitting your application. For the app to appear in the Play Store, you’ll need to sign into your Developer Console and submit your app again.

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Thanks for supporting Google Play!
The Google Play Team

On 07/14/15 19:44:49 wrote:
Hi Arya,
That link directs people to a site devoted to homebrew games. Files that are written for demonstration purposes or fun and released freely and publicly. It is there explicitly to discourage users from downloading content protected by copyright.
If you wish I can remove it and resubmit. Would it at that point meet your criteria?
Your advice here would be appreciated,

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 2:27 pm  <> wrote:
Thanks for contacting the Google Play team.

After further review, your app will not be reinstated because it violates the intellectual property and impersonation or deceptive behavior provision of the Content Policy:

- Our policy states: 

  • Your app and/or elements of its listing on Google Play, including title, description, logo(s), or promotional screenshots must not include unauthorized usage of protected works belonging to a third party.
  • Your app icon and promotional screenshots must not contain images that appear confusingly similar to existing products.
  • Protected work could typically include product names, brands, images, logos, music, and similar works.
- As an example, your app contains: Currently, your application lets users download copyrighted content via the "Get Roms" button within your application.

If you publish a new version of your app, please make sure it’s in compliance with our policies. You may want to review these resources for additional guidance:

Content Policy:

Google Play Developer Help Center:

If I can be of further assistance, please let me know.
The Google Play Team

On 07/14/15 01:58:28 wrote:
first_name: Alexander
last_name: Gee
abuse_type: ip
package_name: org.bostwickenator.weargbc
appeal_reason: There are no trademarks for Wear or GBC. There are various
apps on the Play Store using both of these terms in their name. All works
were produced by me or credited correctly: one image under CC:A v3 from
several packages under GPL ( and LGPL
Thank you for your reconsideration.
subject_hidden: Your appeal for reinstatement

:---- Automatically added fields ----:
Language: en-GB
IIILanguage: en-GB
auto-helpcenter-id: 203
auto-helpcenter-name: googleplay/android-developer
auto-internal-helpcenter-name: androidmarket
auto-user-logged-in: true
auto-user-was-internal: false
IssueType: appappeals
form-id: appappeals
form: appappeals
subject-line-field-id: subject_hidden
AutoDetectedBrowser: Chrome 43.0.2357.132
AutoDetectedOS: Windows Windows NT 6.3
MendelExperiments: 10800005,10800027 


It occurs to me that I have never had a blog devoted to software development. Quite strange considering how much of my life I spend working on that. This blog will rectify that.